Life Work of Bill Dembski


• Ph.D. — philosophy — University of Illinois at Chicago — 1996
• M.Div. — theology — Princeton Theological Seminary — 1996
• M.A. — philosophy — University of Illinois at Chicago — 1993
• Ph.D. — mathematics — University of Chicago — 1988
• S.M. — mathematics (pure math) — University of Chicago — 1985
• M.S. — mathematics (statistics) — University of Illinois at Chicago — 1983
• B.A. — psychology — University of Illinois at Chicago — 1981

Current Employment

• Tech entrepreneur who builds educational software and websites
• Founding Senior Fellow, Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture (

Previous Employment

• Academic Editor, Foundation for Thought and Ethics (, 1997–2015
• Phillip E. Johnson Research Professor in Culture and Science, Southern Evangelical Seminary (, part-time 2012–2013
• Research Professor in Philosophy, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Ft. Worth, Texas, 2006–2012
• Carl F. H. Henry Professor of Theology and Science, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, 2005–2006
• Associate Research Professor, Conceptual Foundations of Science, Baylor University, research in intelligent design, 1999–2005
• Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Dallas, Department of Philosophy, teaching introduction to philosophy, 1997–1999
• Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Notre Dame, Department of Philosophy, teaching philosophy of religion + research, 1996–1997
• Independent Scholar, Pascal Centre, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, research in complexity, information, and design, 1993–1996
• Postdoctoral Fellow, Northwestern University, Department of Philosophy, teaching philosophy of science + research, 1992–1993
• Research Associate, Princeton University, Department of Computer Science, research in cryptography and complexity theory, 1990
• Postdoctoral Visiting Fellow, University of Chicago, James Franck Institute, research in chaos & probability, 1989
• Postdoctoral Visiting Fellow, MIT, Department of Mathematics, research in probability theory, 1988
• Lecturer, University of Chicago, Department of Mathematics, teaching undergraduate mathematics, 1987–1988

Honors and Awards

• Texas A&M University’s Trotter Prize, shared with Stuart Kauffman, April 2005 — prior recipients: Charlie Townes and Francis Crick (2002), Alan Guth and John Polkinghorne (2003), Paul Davies and Robert Shapiro (2004). See Trotter Prize entry in Wikipedia for full list of winners.
Christianity Today’s Book of the Year Award for 2004 in the category “Christianity and Culture” for The Design Revolution: Answering the Toughest Questions about Intelligent Design
Templeton Foundation Book Prize ($100,000), for writing book on information theory, 2000–2001; project half completed by publishing No Free Lunch with Rowman and Littlefield in 2002; project finally completed by publishing Being as Communion with Ashgate in 2014.
Christianity Today’s Book of the Year Award for 1999 in the category “Christianity and Culture” for Intelligent Design: The Bridge between Science and Theology
• Notre Dame Postdoctoral Fellowship (Department of Philosophy) for philosophy of religion, 1996–1997
• University of Illinois at Chicago, 1996 Outstanding Dissertation Award in Fine Arts and Humanities for The Design Inference; published subsequently in 1998 with Cambridge University Press
• Pascal Centre Research Fellowship for studies in science and religion, 1992–1995
• Northwestern University Postdoctoral Fellowship (Department of Philosophy) for history and philosophy of science, 1992–1993
• National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship for mathematics, 1988–1991
• McCormick Fellowship (University of Chicago) for mathematics, 1984–1988
• National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship for psychology and mathematics, 1982–1985
• Nancy Hirshberg Memorial Prize for best undergraduate research paper in psychology at the University of Illinois at Chicago, 1981.

Professional Associations

• Evolutionary Informatics Lab ( – Senior Research Scientist
• Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers ( – Senior Member
• American Mathematical Society ( – Member
• National Association of Scholars ( – Lifetime Member

Courses Taught

• Philosophy of Religion (SES #PH601; May 6 – 11, 2013): syllabus and final.
• Evolutionary Biology & Intelligent Design (SES #SC401, #SC501, and #AP862; January 14 – 19, 2013): syllabus401, syllabus501, syllabus862, and final.
• Christian Faith and Science (SWBTS #PHILO 4483-A – Spring 2012): syllabus and final. Older syllabi: syllabus2010, syllabus2009, and syllabus2008. Older exam: final2010.
• Philosophy of Mind/Neuroscience – doctoral seminar (SWBTS #PHILO 7614-A – Spring 2012): syllabus.
• Christian Apologetics (SWBTS #PHILO 4373 – Fall 2011): syllabus and final. Older syllabi: syllabus2010, syllabus2009, syllabus2008, and syllabus2006. Older exams: final2010, final2009, midterm2009, and midtermstudy2009.
• Critical Thinking (SWBTS #PHILO 5373 – Spring 2011): syllabus and final. Old syllabus and final: syllabus2007, final2007, and answerkey2007.
• Intelligent Design – doctoral seminar (SWBTS #PHILO 7544 – Spring 2011): syllabus and syllabus2008.
• Christian Faith and Apologetic Issues – doctoral seminar (SWBTS #PHILO 7514 – Spring 2010): syllabus.
• Intelligent Design or Unintelligent Evolution – undergraduate course (SWBTS #PHILO 2483 – Fall 2009): syllabus, midterm, and final.
• Intelligent Design (SES #AP 410, 510, and 810; May 11 – 16, 2009): syllabus410, syllabus510, and syllabus810.
• Christian Faith, Knowledge, and Science – doctoral seminar (SWBTS #PHILO 7534 – Fall 2008): syllabus and syllabus2006.
• Intelligent Design (SWBTS #PHILO 5483 – Fall 2007): syllabus, midterm, and final.
• Critical Thinking and the Art of Argumentation (SBTS #28970 – Spring 2006): syllabus and midterm.
• A Primer on Intelligent Design (SBTS #28677 – Spring 2006): syllabus, midterm, and final.
• Christian Doctrine and the Natural Sciences (SBTS #28960 – Fall 2005): syllabus, midterm (also study questions), and final.
• Scientific Approach: The World and Christian Faith (SBTS #85320 – Fall 2005): syllabus.
• Intelligent Design – The New Player in the Creation-Evolution Controversy (Trinity International University – Spring 2000): syllabus.
• Philosophy and the Ethical Life (University of Dallas, Philosophy 1301 – Fall 1997): syllabus.
• The Design Argument (University of Notre Dame, Philosophy 261 – Fall 1996): syllabus.
• The Creation-Evolution Controversy (Northwestern University, Philosophy A09 – Fall 1992): syllabus.
• Pre-1992: Calculus, Pre-Calculus, Symbolic Logic

Three Representative YouTube Videos

August 2014 Lecture at the University of Chicago on Conservation of Information, hosted by Leo Kadanoff


March 2014 Lecture: Information and the End of Materialism


March 2014 Lecture: The Scientific Case for Intelligent Design

Additional videos of possible interest: Debate with Christopher Hitchens, Interview on Age of Earth and Theodicy (keying off The End of Christianity), and What Your Science Teacher Got Wrong.


In progress
• FORTHCOMING BOOK: The Design Inference: Eliminating Chance Through Small Probabilities, 2nd edition and 25th anniversary edition, co-authored with Winston Ewert. To be published by Discovery Institute Press. ETA 2023.
• FORTHCOMING BOOK: The Faces of Miracles (co-authored with Alex Thomas). ETA 2023.
• FORTHCOMING BOOK: You Have to Want It: Jaime Escalante’s Secret to Learning Hard Things (co-authored with Alex Thomas). ETA 2023. This is an revised edition of the 2016 book It Takes Ganas, with much new material.

• PODCAST: Did Chess Ace Hans Niemann Cheat? A Design Detection Poser. With Eric Anderson as host.
• PODCAST: William Dembski Teases an Updated Edition of an ID Classic. With Eric Anderson as host.
• More updates needed.

• Yet to be updated.

• BOOK: Dalko: The Untold Story of Baseball’s Fastest Pitcher, co-authored with Alex Thomas and Brian Vikander (Nashville, Tenn.: Influence Publishers, 2020).
• BOOK: For a Greater Purpose: The Life and Legacy of Walter Bradley, co-authored with Robert J. Marks II (Nashville, Tenn.: Erasmus Press, 2020).
• BOOK: Lectures on Natural Theology, by Thomas Reid, co-edited by James Barham and Jake Akins (Nashville, Tenn.: Influence Publishers, 2020). I shepherded this project even though my name isn’t on it.

• INTERVIEW: Bill Dembski interview — extensive interview conducted by James Barham, originally for and now on this blog [updated in 2016 and again in 2019].
• SOFTWARE: MTU: Magnifying the Universe, codesigner on this update of the 1977 Powers of Ten video.
• MEETING: Attendee and speaker at the anniversary meeting for the 1993 Pajaro Dunes Conference that formally initiated the ID movement (recapped in the Illustra Media video Unlocking the Mystery of Life), Newport Beach, Calif., March 8–10, 2019.

• TECHNICAL: “The Making of the Fastest Baseball Pitcher Ever: An Incremental and Integrative Hypothesis,” analysis of what factors might have enabled Steve Dalkowski to pitch at or above 110 mph (co-authored with Alex Thomas and Brian Vikander).
• SOFTWARE: GhostDetect: Ghostwriting detection software, co-designer on this project.

• BOOK: Introduction to Evolutionary Informatics, coauthored with Robert J. Marks II and Winston Ewert (Singapore: World Scientific, 2017).

• BOOK: It Takes Ganas: Jaime Escalante’s Secret to Inspired Learning, coauthored with Alex Thomas (Pella, Iowa: Erasmus Press, 2016).
• eBOOK: Peerless: A Radically Decentralized Digital Monetary Framework.
• TYPESCRIPT: The Paradoxes of Hell.
• SURVEY: Miracle Survey.

• Spent the year mainly focused on business pursuits, especially building educational websites and working with startups that develop educational technologies.
• TECHNICAL: Algorithmic Specified Complexity in the Game of Life (co-authored with Winston Ewert and Robert Marks), IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, VOL. 45, NO. 4, APRIL 2015.
• TECHNICAL: Measuring Meaningful Information in Images: Algorithmic Specified Complexity, IET Computer Vision, Vol. 9, Iss. 6, pp. 884–894, 2015. (IET = The Institution of Engineering and Technology)

• BOOK: Being as Communion: A Metaphysics of Information (Surrey, England: Ashgate, 2014).
• TECHNICAL: Algorithmic Specified Complexity (co-authored with Winston Ewert and Robert Marks), in Barlett et al.’s Engineering and the Ultimate: An Interdisciplinary Investigation of Order and Design in Nature and Craft, Blyth Institute Press, 2014.
• LECTURE: “Conservation of Information in Evolutionary Search,” lecture to University of Chicago’s Computation in Science Seminars, invited and hosted by former mentor Leo Kadanoff, August 2014.
• POPULAR: “Defending Malcolm Gladwell to Intellectuals.”
• SURVEY: Darwinian Fundamentalism Index (DFI).
• SURVEY: Political Incorrectness Inventory (PCI).
• SURVEY: Fundamentalist Belief Inventory (FBI).

• BOOK: Biological Information: New Perspectives, coedited with Robert J. Marks II, John Sanford, Michael Behe, and Bruce Gordon (Singapore: World Scientific, 2013).
• TECHNICAL: Conservation of Information in Relative Search Performance (co-authored with Winston Ewert and Robert Marks), 45th Southeastern Symposium on System Theory, Baylor University, Waco, TX, USA, March 11, 2013.
• TECHNICAL: On the Improbability of Algorithmic Specified Complexity, 45th Southeastern Symposium on System Theory, Baylor University, Waco, TX, USA, March 11, 2013.

• TECHNICAL: Time and Information in Evolution (co-authored with Winston Ewert, Ann K. Gauger, and Robert J. Marks II), BIO-Complexity 4(2012): 1-7.
• TECHNICAL: Climbing the Steiner Tree–Sources of Active Information in a Genetic Algorithm for Solving the Euclidean Steiner Tree Problem (co-authored with Winston Ewert and Robert J. Marks II), BIO-Complexity 2012(1):1-14.
• ARTICLE: Does the Bible Conflict with Science? — article in Steven B. Cowan and Terry L. Wilder, eds., In Defense of the Bible: A Comprehensive Apologetic for the Authority of Scripture (Nashville: BH Publishing Group, 2013).
• ARTICLE: An Information-Theoretic Proof of God’s Existence, talk delivered at the Portsmouth Institute, 23 June 2012, at Portsmouth Abbey School, Portsmouth, Rhode Island.
• POPULAR: Rational Justification as Detailed Articulation: A Reply to Barham and Nagel — continuing dialogue over earlier book review by Dembski of Thomas Nagel’s Mind & Cosmos.
• REVIEW: Defecting from Darwinian Naturalism — book review at Evolution News and Views of Thomas Nagel’s Mind & Cosmos: Why the Materialist Neo-Darwinian Conception of Nature is Almost Certainly False.
• POPULAR: Conservation of Information Made Simple — elucidation of conservation of information presented at Evolution News and Views.
• POPULAR: Dennett on Competence without Comprehension — critique of Daniel Dennett’s views on evolution and cognitive science at Evolution News and Views.
• POPULAR: Design Inference vs. Design Hypothesis — clarification of the logical structure of design-theoretic reasoning in the natural sciences, posted at Evolution News and Views.
• POPULAR: Exchange at Evolution News and Views with James Shapiro regarding his book Evolution: A View from the 21st Century. Is James Shapiro a Design Theorist? by William A. Dembski; Reply by James Shapiro; further reply, titled Is James Shapiro a Darwinist After All? by William A. Dembski.
• REVIEW: Borderline Heretic: James Shapiro and His 21st Century View of Evolution, book review of Shapiro’s Evolution: A View from the 21st Century, which appeared in the Christian Research Journal 35(1), 2012.
• POPULAR: Is Darwinism Theologically Neutral? posted at Biologos 20 April 2012 (go here).

• BOOK: The Nature of Nature: Examining the Role of Naturalism in Science (co-edited with Bruce Gordon, conference retrospective on the Nature of Nature conference at Baylor, 12–15 April 2000). Wilmington, Del.: ISI Books, published February 2011.
• TECHNICAL: “A General Theory of Information Cost Incurred by Successful Search” (co-authored with Winston Ewert and Robert J. Marks II), in Biological Information: New Perspectives (2013).
• TECHNICAL: “Life’s Conservation Law: Why Darwinian Evolution Cannot Create Biological Information” (co-authored with Robert J. Marks II). Chapter in Bruce L. Gordon and William A. Dembski, eds., The Nature of Nature: Examining the Role of Naturalism in Science (Wilmington, Del.: ISI Books, 2011), 360-399.
• ARTICLE: “Isaac Newton’s Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy,” in John Mark Reynolds, ed., The Great Books Reader: Excerpts and Essays on the Most Influential Books in Western Civilization (Ada, Mich.: Bethany House Publishing, 2011).
• REVIEW: “BioLogos and Theistic Evolution: Selling the Product,” extended critical review of Karl W. Giberson and Francis S. Collins, The Language of Science and Faith: Straight Answers to Genuine Questions (Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity, 2011). Review appeared at
• TALK: “A General Theory of Information Cost Incurred by Successful Search,” presented 31 May 2011 at Biological Information: New Perspectives (international conference at Cornell University, 31 May – 2 June 2011). See technical paper above.
• TALK: “How to Debate an Atheist – If You Must,” commencement address at which awarded honorary doctor of divinity, Southern Evangelical Seminary, 7 May 2011.
• PARTICIPANT: at Creation Conversation, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 7-9 April 2011, Ft. Worth, TX.
• TALK: “The Scientific Case for Intelligent Design,” presented at apologetics conference at Calvary Chapel, Old Bridge, NJ, sponsored by Veritas Evangelical Seminary, 5 March 2011.
• PARTICIPANT: at Intelligent Design Research Symposium, sponsored by Discovery Institute, 1-4 March 2011, Santa Barbara, CA.

• BOOK: Evidence for God: 50 Arguments for Faith from the Bible, History, Philosophy, and Science (co-edited with Michael Licona). Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker, 2010.
• BOOK: Intelligent Design Uncensored: An Easy-to-Understand Guide to the Controversy (co-authored with Jonathan Witt). Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity, 2010.
• SOFTWARE: Weasel Ware — Evolutionary Simulation. Computational deconstruction of the “weasel simulation” of evolution from Richard Dawkins’s The Blind Watchmaker. Joint work with Evolutionary Informatics Lab.
• SOFTWARE: Ev Ware — Evolutionary Simulation. Computational deconstruction of Thomas Schneider’s ev simulation of evolution. Joint work with Evolutionary Informatics Lab.
• SOFTWARE: Minivida — Dissection of Avida Digital Evolution. Computational deconstruction of Avida simulation of evolution. Joint work with Evolutionary Informatics Lab.
• TECHNICAL: “A Vivisection of the ev Computer Organism: Identifying Sources of Active Information” (co-authored with Winston Ewert, George Montañez, Robert J. Marks II), BIO-Complexity 2010(3): 1-6.
• TECHNICAL: “The Search for a Search: Measuring the Information Cost of Higher-Level Search” (co-authored with Robert J. Marks II), Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics 14(5) (2010): 475-486.
• TECHNICAL: “Efficient Per Query Information Extraction from a Hamming Oracle” (co-authored with Winston Ewert, George Montañez, Robert J. Marks II), Proceedings of the 42nd Meeting of the Southeastern Symposium on System Theory, IEEE, University of Texas at Tyler, 9 March 2010.
• ARTICLE: “Death and the Fall: Why Theistic Evolution Does Nothing to Mitigate the Problem of Evil,” in Jay W. Richards, ed., God and Evolution (Seattle: Discovery Institute Press, 2010), 91-102.
• POPULAR: “Evidence for Design and the Difference It Makes,” in Sean McDowell and Jonathan Morrow, Is God Just a Human Invention? And Seventeen Other Questions Raised by the New Atheists (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Kregel, 2010), 69-70.
• POPULAR: “Vindication for I.D. at Baylor?Baptist Press, 6 May 2010.
• POPULAR: “Evolution, Theistic Evolution, and Intelligent Design,” Colson Center for Christian Worldview, 1 March 2010.
• DEBATE: “Does a Good God Exist?” – debate with Christopher Hitchens at Prestonwood Church, Plano, TX, 18 November 2010. My prepared remarks here.
• LECTURES: “The Scientific Case for Intelligent Design” and “The Theological Case for Intelligent Design,” two lectures presented at Veritas Evangelical Seminary’s Annual Apologetics Conference, at Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, CA, 5-6 November 2010.
• TALKS: “Randomness by Design” and “The Status and Implications of The Law of the Conservation of Information” – two breakout sessions presented 28 October 2010 at The Vibrant Dance of Faith and Science (conference in Austin, TX, 26-28 October 2010).
• TALKS: “The Age of the Earth” (conversation with Hugh Ross, Terry Mortenson, and Ted Wright, moderated by Alex McFarland) and “Intelligent Design: Yesterday’s Orthodoxy, Today’s Heresy” (plenary session), 15 October 2010, National Conference on Christian Apologetics, Charlotte, NC.
• DEBATE: “Evolution or Design … Does Science Provide Evidence for a Designer?” Debate with Michael Shermer at Washburn University, 7 October 2010.
• LECTURES: “Methods of Design Detection” and “Why We Need Intelligence in the Search for Improbable Targets,” talks presented 13 and 14 July 2010 at Discovery Institute, Seattle as part of their annual Summer Seminar.
• INTERVIEW: Chris Galanos at Experience Life Now in Lubbock, Texas interviewed Bill about intelligent design and science during each of five morning services, 29 August 2010.
• TALK: “Intelligent Design and the Logos of Creation,” plenary talk, International Society of Christian Apologetics annual meeting, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 23 April 2010. Also panel discussion on creation and theodicy the following day with Henry Morris III.
• TALKS: “The Case for the Intelligent Designer,” lectures presented through Veritas Evangelical Seminary, hosted by Calvary Chapels in Modesto, Calif. (13 March 2010), Denver (24 July 2010), Downey, Calif. (31 July 2010), and Philadelphia (25 September 2010).
• TALK: “Intelligent Design: What Is It and Why Is It Important?” Ministry Chapel, Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary and Graduate School, 19 February 2010. Also had consultations with Liberty students and faculty regarding The End of Christianity. Liberty University, 18–19 February 2010.

• BOOK: The End of Christianity: Finding a Good God in an Evil World. Nashville, Tenn.: Broadman & Holman, 2009.
• BOOK: Tough-Minded Christianity: The Legacy of John Warwick Montgomery (co-edited with Thomas Schirrmacher; Festschrift for JWM; foreword by Paige Patterson). Nashville, Tenn.: Broadman & Holman, 2009.
• TECHNICAL: “Conservation of Information in Search: Measuring the Cost of Success” (co-authored with Robert J. Marks II), IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics A, Systems & Humans, 5(5) (September 2009): 1051–1061.
• TECHNICAL: “Evolutionary Synthesis of Nand Logic: Dissecting a Digital Organism” (co-authored with Winston Ewert and Robert J. Marks II), Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, San Antonio, Texas (October 2009): 3047–3053. (Deconstruction of the Avida program.)
• TECHNICAL: “Bernoulli’s Principle of Insufficient Reason and Conservation of Information in Computer Search” (co-authored with Robert J. Marks II), Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, San Antonio, Texas (October 2009): 2647–2652.
• POPULAR: “Getting over Our Love for Darwin,” Baptist Press (24 November 2009).
• POPULAR: “Paul L. Williams—Freedom of Expression in a Global Secularized Culture,” UncommonDescent (16 October 2009).
• POPULAR: “Science Czar as Science Abuser,” Baptist Press (23 July 2009).
• DEVOTION: “The End of Christianity,” morning devotion and meditation, Broadman & Holman author appreciation breakfast, Evangelical Theological Society annual meeting, New Orleans, 18 November 2009.
• TALK: “The Scientific Heresy of Intelligent Design,” Francis Schaeffer Lecture, Covenant School, Dallas, 16 November 2009.
• LECTURE: “Resolving Biology’s Information Problem—Blind Evolution or Intelligent Design?” lecture delivered at Texas A&M University, sponsored by Ratio Christi, 12 November 2009.
• PANELIST: “The Effect of Darwinian Materialism on Biblical Studies and Theology,” panel with Stephen Meyer and Jay Wesley Richards, 23 October 2009, Science and Faith: Friends or Foes? Conference at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 23–24 October 2009.
• PARTICIPANT: As fellow of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (, participated at annual meeting, 23 September 2009.
• TALK: “Darwin’s Coroner—Intelligent Design,” talk presented at Sikorsky Research Facility in Ft. Worth, Texas, organized by Bob Bass, 21 September 2009.
• TALK: “Evolutionary Informatics: Measuring the Cost of Success” (joint talk given with Robert J. Marks II) as well as “The Retroactive Effects of the Fall,” American Scientific Affiliation annual conference, Baylor University, 31 July to 3 August, 2009.
• LECTURES: Taught one-week module on intelligent design, Southern Evangelical Seminary, 11–16 May 2009.
• DEBATE: with Michael Ruse over intelligent design at the University of Oklahoma (ca. 800 in attendance), Paul F. Sharp Concert Hall, Catlett School of Music, 27 February 2009.
• WORKSHOP: Intelligent design workshop, four talks: (1) “Intelligent Design: Yesterday’s Orthodoxy, Today’s Heresy,” (2) “Detecting Design in Nature,” (3) “Why Theistic Evolution Fails,” and (4) “Intelligent Design as a Theory of Information,” Orchard Grove Community Church, Walled Lake, Michigan 20-21 February 2009.

• BOOK: Understanding Intelligent Design: Everything You Need to Know in Plain Language (coauthored with Sean McDowell, foreword by Josh McDowell; introduction for high school students and Sunday school classes to intelligent design). Eugene, Oregon: Harvest House, 2008.
• BOOK: How to Be an Intellectually Fulfilled Atheist (Or Not) (co-authored with Jonathan Wells, examination of the origin of life and the challenge it poses to atheism, adapted from The Design of Life). Wilmington, Del.: ISI Books, 2008.
• BOOK: The Patristic Understanding of Creation (co-edited with Wayne Downs and Brian Frederick, anthology of writings from the Church Fathers on creation and design). Riesel, Texas: Erasmus Press, 2008.
• ARTICLE: Foreword to Alfred Russel Wallace’s Theory of Intelligent Evolution: How Wallace’s World of Life Challenged Darwinism, edited by Michael Flannery. Riesel, Texas: Erasmus Press, 2008.
• REVIEW: “God’s Use of Chance,” Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith 60(4) (2008): 248–250, online at Review of David Bartholomew’s God, Chance and Purpose.
• REVIEW: “Ayala’s Potemkin Village,” Science & Theology 6(2), (2008): review of Francisco Ayala’s Darwin’s Gift to Science and Religion, see science_theology.html.
• TALKS: “Intelligent Design” (talk with Sean McDowell) and “How to Be an Intellectually Fulfilled Atheist” (talk on origin of life), National Conference on Christian Apologetics, Southern Evangelical Seminary, 8 November 2008.
• CONSULTANT: for “The Great Debate: Intelligent Design and the Existence of God,” hosted in Ft. Worth by St. Andrews Church, November 7th and 8th, featuring David Berlinski and Bradley Monton vs. Lawrence Krauss and Denis Alexander, moderated by James Tour. Brochure of event available at
• TALKS: “What is Intelligent Design” (joint presentation with Sean McDowell summarizing our book Understanding Intelligent Design), Capistrano Valley Church, 26 October 2008.
• LECTURE: “The Information-Theoretic Foundations of Intelligent Design,” Discovery Institute Summer Seminary, Seattle Pacific University, 15 July 2008.
• INTERVIEW: interviewed by Ben Stein in Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, which was released in 1,000 theaters across America on April 18, 2008.
• TALK: “Answering Your Students’ Hardest Questions about Science and the Bible,” talk April 5th for the Youth Ministry Lab ( 2008 conference at Southwestern Seminary.
• DEBATES: Two debates with Niall Shanks at the Evangelical Theological Society’s Southwestern Regional Meeting on theme “Natural Revelation, Natural Law, and Design in the Cosmos.” The debates took place at Southwestern Seminary’s J. Dalton Havard School for Theological Studies in Houston, March 29.
• TALK: “The Constancy of Nature as a Hermeneutic Principle in Biblical Interpretation,” talk presented March 14th at the “Creation Conversation,” an invitation-only symposium of young-earth and old-earth creationists, sponsored by Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, March 13–15, 2008.
• TALK: “The Evidence Shows That Life on Earth Is a Result of Intelligent Design,” talk presented March 5th for Grace Evangelical Society ( 2008 National Conference at Southwestern Seminary.
• RESPONDENT: Spoke and answered questions at King’s College screening in Manhattan of Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, 20 February 2009.

• BOOK: The Design of Life: Discovering Signs of Intelligence in Biological Systems (coauthored with Jonathan Wells; see Dallas.: Foundation for Thought and Ethics, 2007.
• BOOK: Intelligent Design: William A. Dembski & Michael Ruse in Dialogue, edited by Robert Stewart. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2007. Anthology focused on the work of Dembski and Ruse with key contributions by them.]
• TYPESCRIPT: “The Rise and Fall of Baylor University’s Michael Polanyi Center,” a reportage originally posted in 2007 at
• ARTICLE: “The Jesus Tomb Math” (co-authored with Robert J. Marks II), in Charles Quarles, ed., Buried Hopes or Risen Savior: The Search for Jesus’ Tomb. Nashville, Tenn.: B&H Publishing Group, 2007.
• REVIEW: “I Liked the Old Atheists Better,” review of Antony Flew’s book There Is a God, at UncommonDescent, November 8, 2007, http://www.uncommondescent .com/philosophy/i-liked-the-old-atheists-better.
• ARTICLE: “Intelligent Design: A Dialogue,” coauthored with Michael Ruse, in Robert B. Stewart, ed., Intelligent Design: William A. Dembski and Michael Ruse in Dialogue. Minneapolis: Fortress, 2007 (pp. 12–43).
• POPULAR: “Does the Design Argument Show There Is a God?” In The Apologetics Study Bible, general editor Ted Cabal. Nashville, Tenn.: Broadman & Holman, 2007 (p. 1327).
• INTERVIEW: extended video interview with Robert Lawrence Kuhn for PBS program Closer to Truth, recording date November 13, 2007. Available online at
• LECTURES: “Intelligent Design: Yesterday’s Orthodoxy, Today’s Heresy,” “Biology’s Information Problem,” (Nov. 6th) and “How to Be an Intellectually Fulfilled Atheist” (Nov. 7th). Ryan Lectures, Asbury Theological Seminary, November 5–7, 2007.
• TALK: “Why Atheism Is No Longer Intellectually Fulfilling: The Challenge of Intelligent Design to Unintelligent Evolution,” talk in Meacham Auditorium, University of Oklahoma, September 17, 2007.
• LECTURES: Short Course on Intelligent Design, July 16–20, Biola University.
• TALK: “Conservation of Active Information in Evolutionary Search,” delivered June 5, 2007 at the Wistar Retrospective Symposium, Boston, Mass. (June 3–6, 2007).
• TALK: “Christian Theodicy in Light of Genesis and Modern Science,” presented March 16, 2007 at the “Creation Conversation,” an invitation-only symposium of young-earth and old-earth creationists, sponsored by Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, March 15–17, 2007.
• DEBATE: with Michael Shermer on ID, Bridgewater College, February 15, 2007.
• SYMPOSIAST: “Creatively Seeking a Creation Story: Evolution and Intelligent Design in America,” symposium featuring Howard Van Till, Jeff Schloss, Ronald Numbers, and William Dembski, Grove City College, February 7, 2007.

• BOOK: Darwin’s Nemesis: Phillip Johnson and the Intelligent Design Movement (Festschrift in honor of Phillip Johnson). Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity, 2006.
• ARTICLE: “Christian Theodicy in Light of Genesis and Modern Science.” An essay that, by employing Newcomb’s paradox, traces natural evil to human sin in a world where natural evil nonetheless predates humans. This essay was later been expanded into a full-length book titled The End of Christianity: Finding a Good God in an Evil World (2009).
• ARTICLE: “In Defense of Intelligent Design,” in Philip Clayton, ed., The Oxford Handbook of Religion and Science. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.
• FOREWORD: to Thomas Woodward’s Darwin Strikes Back: Defending the Science of Intelligent Design. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker, 2006.
• ARTICLE: “The Reach of the Cross,” sermon given October 19, 2006 at SWBTS chapel service.
• FOREWORD: to Kenneth Poppe’s Reclaiming Science from Darwinism: A Clear Understanding of Creation, Evolution, and Intelligent Design. Eugene, Oregon: Harvest House, 2006.
• ARTICLE: “Transcendence,” in New Dictionary of Christian Apologetics, W. C. Campbell-Jack, Gavin J. McGrath, and C. Stephen Evans, eds. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity, 2006.
• ARTICLE: “Dealing with the Backlash against Intelligent Design.” In William A. Dembski, ed., Darwin’s Nemesis: Phillip Johnson and the Intelligent Design Movement. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity, 2006.
• SERMON: “The Reach of the Cross,” sermon given at the Southwestern Seminary chapel, October 19, 2006.
• DEBATES: with Michael Shermer on ID, University of Kentucky (March 23, 2006) and Hollins College (April 18, 2006).
• LECTURE: “Understanding Intelligent Design,” lecture on intelligent design at The College of New Jersey, March 28, 2006.
• LECTURES: “Evidence of Design in the Universe” (two lectures), UC Berkeley Campus, Valley Life Science Building, March 17–18, 2006.
• LECTURES: Sumners Mission Lecture Series, St. John the Divine, Houston, February 24–26, 2006.
• LECTURE: Greer-Heard Point-Counterpoint Forum featuring William Dembski and Michael Ruse (with respondents Francis Beckwith, William Lane Craig, Wesley Elsberry, and Martinez Hewlett) , New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (moved to Atlanta area on account of Katrina), moderated by Robert B. Stewart, February 3–4, 2006.
• TALK: “The Case for Intelligent Design,” talk to 1,500 people given at the University of Kansas’ Lied Center, January 23, 2006.

• ARTICLE: “Intelligent Design.” In The Encyclopedia of Religion, 2nd edition, 15 volumes, edited by Lindsay Jones. New York: Macmillan, 2005.
• TECHNICAL: “Specification: The Pattern That Signifies Intelligence,” Philosophia Christi 7(2) 2005: 299–343.
• CHAPTER: “Hume, Reid, and Signs of Intelligence.” Chapter 32 of The Design Revolution. This chapter shows why design inferences depend fundamentally on recognizing signs of intelligence and thus follow irrespectively of prior knowledge of the designer’s characteristics or intentions.
• FRIVOLITY: “The Vise Strategy: Squeezing the Truth out of Darwinists.” [posted 8Nov05; written 11May05] Document prepared to assist the Thomas More Law Center in interrogating the ACLU’s expert witnesses in the Kitzmiller v. Dover case.
• NOTE: <> “Fitness among Competitive Agents.” [posted 28Oct05] A note on some work by David Fogel and David Wolpert in which they claim to find “free lunches” in competitive environments.
• REPORT: “Dover Expert Witness Report.” [posted 30Sep05; completed 29Mar05] William Dembski’s expert witness report for the Dover ID case (the trial of which began 26Sep05).
• REBUTTAL: “Dover Expert Witness Rebuttal.” [posted 30Sep05; completed 14May05] William Dembski’s rebuttal of the reports by expert witnesses on the other side of the Dover ID case, specifically, Barbara Forrest, Robert Pennock, John Haught, Kevin Padian, and Kenneth Miller.
• RESPONSE: “Intelligent Design’s Contribution to the Debate over Evolution: A Reply to Henry Morris.” Response to Morris’s review of The Design Revolution for the February 2005 issue of Back to Genesis (his review was titled “The Design Revelation”).
• TYPESCRIPT: A Primer on Probability for Design Inferences. [28Sep05] The bare bones of what is needed to understand the probability behind Fisherian and Bayesian design inferences.
• CHAPTER: Design by Elimination vs. Design by Comparison. [28Sep05] Chapter 33 of The Design Revolution. This chapter demonstrates the inadequacy of a purely Bayesian/likelihood approach to drawing design inferences.
• ANNOUNCEMENT: Technological Evolution Prize Competition. [19Sep05] What is the evidence for the power of trial-and-error tinkering to bring about innovations in technological evolution?
<> OPEN LETTER: Open Letter to George Will. [25Aug05] Response to George Will’s criticisms of ID.
• OP-ED: Why President Bush Got It Right about Intelligent Design. [4Aug05] Brief commentary on President Bush’s recent remarks about the teaching of intelligent design. [Back when I mistakenly thought that ID could win by political means.]
• REPLIES: Jeffrey Shallit I and Jeffrey Shallit II. [8Jul05] My end of an exchange with Jeff Shallit. Jeff was a teacher of mine at the University of Chicago in the 1980s. I took away some useful insights from his course on computational number theory.
• ARTICLE: Allen Orr in the New Yorker — A Response. [28May05] William Dembski’s response to Allen Orr’s widely cited New Yorker attack against intelligent design.
• RESPONSE: Denis Alexander on ID. [19May05] A brief response to Alexander’s review of The Design Revolution.
• NOTE: Why Joe Schmoe Doesn’t Buy Evolution. [21Apr05] A beautiful example of why a reflective layperson, when confronted with the inflated claims of evolutionists, is unlikely to be persuaded.
• TRANSCRIPTION: Intelligent Design: Yesterday’s Orthodoxy, Today’s Heresy. [3Apr05] Transcription of a talk given at Grace Valley Community Center in Davis, California on 17 January 2004.
• TECHNICAL: Searching Large Spaces: Displacement and the No Free Lunch Regress. [3Mar05]
• KEYNOTE SPEAKER: The Sixth Miami International Torah & Science Conference, “Unity, Duality, and Multiplicity: Absolute Standards in an Age of Relativity,” Florida International University, convened by Prof. Herman Branover, Rabbi Sholom Lipskar, and Rabbi Levi Friedman, December 13–15, 2005 / Kislev 12–14, 5766.
• DEBATE: with Michael Shermer on ID, Colby College, November 16, 2005.
• DEBATE: “The Great Debate: Should Public Schools Teach Intelligent Design Along With Evolution?” William Dembski and Edward Sisson vs. Eugenie Scott and James Trefil, moderated by Bob Zelnick, at Boston University, November 2, 2005 (
• SYMPOSIAST: “Models for Creation: Intelligent Design and Evolution,” annual meeting of the American Scientific Affiliation, Messiah College, August 7, 2005.
• DEBATE: with Edward Larson, The Daily Show, hosted by Jon Stewart, September 14, 2005.
• EXPERT WITNESS: for Thomas More Law Center in Kitzmiller v. Dover case, February to June 2007.
• DEBATE: Michael Ruse, ABC Nightline, moderated by George Stephanopoulos, May 9, 2005.
• ORGANIZER: Biola conference in honor of Phillip Johnson, 18–19 April 2005.
• DEBATE: with Lee Silver on ID, Princeton University, sponsored by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute, 7 April 2005.
• PRIZE: Received 2005 Trotter Prize with Stuart Kauffman, presented lecture on ID, Texas A&M University, 4 April 2005.
• TALK: “The Scientific Basis for Intelligent Design.” Intelligent design symposium at UT Dallas, organized by campus IDEA Center, March 26, 2005.
• TALKS: Veritas Forums at Columbia and NYU, principal speaker on ID, 8–10 February 2005.

• TECHNICAL: “Information as a Measure of Variation,” unpublished article that lays some groundwork for generalizing design-inferential reasoning by connecting it to information theory.
• BOOK: The Design Revolution: Answering the Toughest Questions about Intelligent Design. Downer’s Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 2004. [Award: Christianity Today’s Book of the Year in the category “Christianity and Culture.”]
• BOOK: Debating Design: From Darwin to DNA (co-edited with Michael Ruse). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004.
• BOOK: Uncommon Dissent: Intellectuals Who Find Darwinism Unconvincing (anthology by dissenters from Darwinism). Wilmington, Del.: Intercollegiate Studies Institute, 2004.
• REVIEW: “Everything that Rises Must Converge,” review of Simon Conway Morris’s book Life’s Solution: Inevitable Humans in a Lonely Universe, Books & Culture (Nov/Dec 2004): 42.
• ARTICLE: “An Information-Theoretic Design Argument,” in Francis Beckwith, William Lane Craig, and J. P. Moreland, eds., To Everyone and Answer: A Case for the Christian Worldview (volume in honor of Norman Geisler), 77–94. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity, 2004.
• ARTICLE: “Irreducible Complexity Revisited,” Progress in Complexity, Information, and Design 3(1) 2004.
• ARTICLE: “Reflections on Human Origins,” Professorenforum-Journal, Vol. 5, No. 3. Also appeared in Progress in Complexity, Information, and Design 4(1) 2005:
• POPULAR: “The Myths of Darwinism.” In Uncommon Dissent: Intellectuals Who Find Darwinism Unconvincing.
• ARTICLE: “The Logical Underpinnings of Intelligent Design.” In Debating Design: From Darwin to DNA.
• POPULAR: “The New Age of Information,” World Magazine, 3 April 2004: 45–47. Available online at
• FOREWORD: to Geoffrey Simmons’s What Darwin Didn’t Know. Eugene, Oregon: Harvest House, 2004.
• POPULAR: “Five Questions Evolutionists Would Rather Dodge,” Citizen Magazine, web version, April 2004: a0031659.cfm. Unedited version available at
• TALK: “Doubts about Unintelligent Evolution,” Society of Christian Philosophers, invited lecture, with Sahotra Sarkar as respondent, annual AAR meeting, San Antonio, 22 November 2004.
• TALK: “Darwin’s Berlin Wall,” Evangelical Philosophical Society, invited plenary lecture at annual ETS meeting, San Antonio, 18 November 2004.
• TALK: “Intelligent Design: The State of the Research Program,” National Faculty Leadership Conference, organized by Christian Leadership Ministries, Washington, DC, 25 June 2004.
• LECTURE TOUR: of Denmark: 10 May, University of Aarhus, Danish Science-Theology Forum; 11-12 May, University of Copenhagen, two lectures, Department of Systematic Theology; 12 May, Technical University of Denmark, “The Design Inference as an Extension of Fisherian Significance Testing”; 13 May, Niels Bohr Institute, “Intelligent Design and Self-Organization.”
• SPEAKER AND PANELIST: conference titled Intelligent Design and the Future of Science, Biola University, 22–24 April 2004.
• DEBATE: Tag-team debate at UCLA as part of Veritas Forum, Jeffrey Schwartz and William Dembski vs. Michael Shermer and Niall Shanks respectively, taped 21 April 2004 and subsequently televised by CSPAN2.
• TALK: “Mathematics as an Experimental Science,” talk given at Baylor conference titled Christianity and the Soul of the University: Faith as a Foundation for Intellectual Community, 26 March 2004. Based on paper titled “The Pragmatic Nature of Mathematical Inquiry,” in the edited collection by James Bradley and Russ Howell.
• TALK: Claremont-McKenna lecture series on intelligent design, spring 2004 (featuring Michael Behe, Eugenie Scott, and William Dembski). Dembski spoke on 2 Marcy 2004.
• LECTURES: on intelligent design at UC Davis and Grace Valley Christian Center, organized by Richard Spencer, 16–17 January 2004.

• ARTICLE: “Response to Paul Gross,” Science Insights, November 2003: 10–14. Available online at
• ARTICLE: “Skepticism’s Prospects for Unseating Intelligent Design.” In Paul Kurtz, ed., Science and Religion: Are They Compatible? Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 2003.
• ARTICLES: Five entries in the Macmillan Encyclopedia of Science and Religion, 2003, edited by Wentzel van Huyssteen: “Algorithm,” “Algorithmic Complexity,” “Boundary Conditions,” “Dissipative Structures,” and “Teleological Argument.”
• ARTICLE: “Intelligent Design Theory.” In Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart, 4th edition, edited by Hans Dieter Betz, Don S. Browning, Bernd Janowski, Eberhard Jüngel. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2003.
• ARTICLE: “The Act of Creation: Bridging Transcendence and Immanence.” In Mehrdad M. Zarandi, ed., Science and the Myth of Progress. Bloomington, Ind.: World Wisdom, 2003.
• REVIEW: “Challenging Materialism’s Chokehold on Science” (book review of Jeffrey Schwartz and Sharon Begley’s The Mind and the Brain). First Things no. 103, 2003: Un-edited review at
• ARTICLE: “The Chance of the Gaps.” In Neil Manson, ed., God and Design: The Teleological Argument and Modern Science (London: Routledge, 2002), 251–274.
• ARTICLE: “Can Evolutionary Algorithms Generate Specified Complexity?” In From Complexity to Life: On the Emergence of Life and Meaning, edited by Niels H. Gregersen, foreword by Paul Davies (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002), 93–113.
• LECTURES: Lectures at Oxford University on intelligent design at the Ian Ramsey Centre and Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies as well as to the Joseph Butler Society, 29–30 October 2003.
• DEBATE: Extended academic debate over intelligent design with Michael Ruse, sponsored by the Honors College at the University of Central Arkansas, 14–16 October 2003.
• DEBATE: SETI Institute radio debate with Massimo Pigliucci, moderated by Seth Shostak, 12 October 2003.
• TALK: “Infinite Universe or Intelligent Design?” Paper delivered at 2003 Accelerating Change Conference at Stanford University, 13 September 2003.
• PARTICIPANT: seminar on the role of technology in culture and society, organized by Walter Bradley, Baylor University, 26 May – 6 June 2003.
• TALK: “Making the Task of Theodicy Impossible? Intelligent Design and the Problem of Evil,” invited paper delivered under the auspices of the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences (CTNS) at the Graduate Theological Union (GTU) in Berkeley, 1 April 2003.
• SPEAKING TOUR: of Auckland, New Zealand, including seminars on intelligent design at the University of Auckland and various theological institutions, 10–19 March 2003.
• LECTURES: “The Design Revolution.” Norton Lectures, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky, 11 & 12 February 2003.
• SPEAKER: Taping for JESUS Film Apologetics Version, Southern California, 15 January 2003.
• CAMPUS SPEAKER: on intelligent design at Southwest Texas State University (6 February), SMU (25 March), and University of Maine (9 April).

• BOOK: No Free Lunch: Why Specified Complexity Cannot Be Purchased without Intelligence. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield, 2002.
• ARTICLE: “Still Spinning Just Fine: A Response to Ken Miller,” replying to his piece “The Flagellum Unspun: The Collapse of ‘Irreducible Complexity’.”
• ARTICLE: “The Design Argument,” in Science and Religion: A Historical Introduction, edited by Gary B. Ferngren (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 2002), 335–344 .
• ARTICLE: “Detecting Design in the Natural Sciences,” Natural History 111(3), April 2002: 76.
• REVIEW: “How the Monkey Got His Tail,” Books & Culture, November/December 2002: 42 (book review of S. Orzack and E. Sober, Adaptationism and Optimality).
• COMPUTER PROGRAM: MESA (Monotonic Evolutionary Simulation Algorithm). A Java program by William Dembski, John Bracht, and Micah Sparacio that models evolutionary searches and employs monotonic smooth fitness gradients. Its aim is to determine the degree to which fitness perturbation and variable coupling impede evolutionary searches. Originally available at, and still available at the Web Archive here.
• ARTICLE: “Can Functional Logic Take the Place of Intelligent Design? Response to Walter Thorson.” Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith 54(1) (2002): 22–23. Also available as html on this site.
• ARTICLE: “Detecting Design in the Natural Sciences.” Article commissioned for POISK (the magazine of the Russian Academy of Science). It was supposed to be translated into Russian, but for whatever reason that didn’t happen.
• REVIEW: “Not Taking Information Seriously Enough.” Review of James E. Huchingson, Pandemonium Tremendum: Chaos and Mystery in the Life of God (Cleveland: Pilgrim Press, 2001). Appeared in Princeton Theological Seminary Bulletin 23(1) (2002): 114–116. Available online at
• ARTICLE: “Darwin’s Predictable Defenders: A Response to Massimo Pigliucci.” Christian Research Journal 25(1) 2002: available online at http://www.equip. org/free/DS701.pdf. One of four essays as part of “Science and Religion 2002: A Response to Skeptical Inquirer.”
• ARTICLE: “Why Natural Selection Can’t Design Anything,” Progress in Complexity, Information, and Design 1(1), 2002:
• ARTICLE: “Random Predicate Logic: A Probabilistic Approach to Vagueness,” Progress in Complexity, Information, and Design 1(2–3), 2002: /papers/Dembski_RandomPredicate_072402.pdf.
• “ARTICLE: Another Way to Detect Design?” Progress in Complexity, Information, and Design 1(4), 2002:
• ARTICLE: “Evolution’s Logic of Credulity: An Unfettered Response to Allen Orr,” Progress in Complexity, Information, and Design 1(4), 2002:
• RESPONSE: “Refuted Yet Again!” A reply to Matt Young published with (Young subsequently co-edited a collection titled Why Intelligent Design Fails with Rutgers University Press, 2004).
• FOREWORD: Bill Dembski’s foreword to Benjamin Wiker’s Moral Darwinism: How We Became Hedonists. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 2002.
• FOREWORD: to Peter S. Williams’s The Case for Angels. Carlisle, UK: Paternoster Press, 2002.
• PRESS RELEASE: Robert Pennock’s Intelligent Design Creationism and Its Critics. Bill Dembski’s press releases in response to the publication of this book, which reprinted an article of Dembski’s without his knowledge or permission.
• PRESS RELEASE: Ted Kennedy — Expert on Science? Statement by Bill Dembski on the scientific status of intelligent design. Responds to Senator Ted Kennedy’s claim that ID is not genuinely scientific.
• SYMPOSIAST: “ID’s Positive Contribution to Biology’s Information Problem,” The Intelligent Design Debate, symposium featuring also Michael Ruse, Larry Arnhart, Michael Behe, Mano Singham, Niles Eldredge, Jonathan Wells, Hillsdale College, 10–13 November 2002.
• TALK: “Becoming a Disciplined Science: Prospects, Pitfalls, and Reality Check for ID,” keynote address, RAPID Conference (Research and Progress in Intelligent Design), Biola University, La Mirada, California, 25–27 October 2002. Available online at
• DEBATE: “God or Luck: Creationism vs. Evolution,” with Steven Darwin, professor of botany, Tulane University, New Orleans, 7 October 2002. Frank Tipler organized this debate.
• TALK: “Skepticism’s Prospects for Unseating Intelligent Design,” Fourth World Skeptics Conference, Prospects for Skepticism: The Next Twenty-Five Years, Burbank, California, 20-23 June 2002. Symposium debate with Paul Nelson vs. Kenneth Miller and Wesley Elsberry.
• PRESENTER: intelligent design, Imago Dei AD 2002, conference sponsored by Charles W. Colson and the Wilberforce Forum, Dallas, 15 June 2002.
• TALK: “The Cultural Significance of Intelligent Design,” Imago Dei AD 2002: Incarnational Living in a Secular Society, sponsored by BreakPoint, Irving, Texas, 15 June 2002.
• TALK: “Does Evolution Even Have a Mechanism,” symposium on intelligent design featuring also Michael Behe, Kenneth Miller, Robert Pennock, and Eugenie Scott, American Museum of Natural History, New York, 23 April 2002. Available online at 050202.pdf. See also nhmag.html.
• TALK: “Blueprint for a Revolution,” Intelligent Design Conference, Palm Beach Atlantic College, Palm Beach, Florida, 13-14 April 2002.
• LECTURE TOUR: Canadian lecture tour on intelligent design (University of Guelph, University of Toronto, and McMasters University), sponsored by the Canadian Scientific and Christian Affiliation, 6–8 March 2002.
• TALKS: “Intelligent Design.” Staley Lectures, Anderson College, Anderson, South Carolina, 15 & 16 January 2002.

• BOOK: Signs of Intelligence: Understanding Intelligent Design (co-edited with James Kushiner). Grand Rapids, Mich.: Brazos Press, 2001.
• BOOK: Unapologetic Apologetics: Meeting the Challenges of Theological Studies (co-edited with Jay Wesley Richards; selected papers from the Apologetics Seminar at Princeton Theological Seminary, 1995–1997). Downer’s Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 2001.
• ARTICLE: “Where Do We Go From Here,” Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith 53(4), December 2001: 283-291 (with Paul Anderson, Loren Haarsma, and Susan Drake Emmerich; transcript of panel discussion at Mundelein conference, 2000, titled Asking the Right Questions).
• ARTICLE: “The Possibility of Detecting Intelligent Design.” Mathematics in a Postmodern Age: A Christian Perspective, edited by James Bradley and Russell Howell (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 2001), 278–308.
• ARTICLE: “The Pragmatic Nature of Mathematical Inquiry.” Mathematics in a Postmodern Age: A Christian Perspective, edited by James Bradley and Russell Howell (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 2001), 98–130.
• ARTICLE: “Detecting Design by Eliminating Chance: A Response to Robin Collins.” In Christian Scholar’s Review 30(3), Spring 2001: 343–357.
• ARTICLE: “Intelligent Design Coming Clean.” Montville, N.J.: Digital Publishing Solutions, 2001. [Originally published through]
• ARTICLE: “Is Intelligent Design a Form of Natural Theology?” Published with Available at
• REVIEW: “What Have Butterflies Got to Do with Darwin?” Review of Bernard d’Abrera’s The Concise Atlas of Butterflies of the World (London: Hill House, 2001). Published with Reprinted in Progress in Complexity, Information, and Design 1(1), 2002.
• FOREWORD: to Neil Broom’s How Blind Is the Watchmaker?. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 2001.
• SOCIETY ORGANIZER: Founded with John Bracht and Micah Sparacio the International Society for Complexity, Information, and Design ( Now defunct.
• INTERVIEW: Program titled “Darwin under the Microscope,” PBS television interview for Uncommon Knowledge with Peter Robinson facing Eugenie Scott and Robert Russell, 7 December 2001.
• DEBATE: Public discussion with Stuart Kauffman, “Order for Free vs. No Free Lunch,” Center for Advanced Studies, University of New Mexico, 13 November 2001.
• DEBATE: Michael Shermer, “Does Science Prove God?” Clemson University, 7 November 2001.
• DEBATE: Massimo Pigliucci, “Is Intelligent Design Smart Enough?” New York Academy of Sciences, 1 November 2001.
• TALKS: “Another Way to Detect Design?” “Why Natural Selection Can’t Design Anything,” and “The Chance of the Gaps.” Three papers presented as keynote speaker at Society of Christian Philosophers meeting, Boulder, Colorado, 4–6 October 2001.
• PANELIST: discussion on Houston PBS station regarding PBS evolution series, which finished that night, 27 September 2001.
• PRESENTER: on topic of detecting design, 23–27 July 2001 at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford University in the John Templeton Oxford Seminars on Science and Christianity.
• INTERVIEW: Focus on the Family broadcast taping with James Dobson, 6 July 2001.
• PRESENTER: Darwin, Design & Democracy II, conference organized by the Intelligent Design Network, Kansas City, Missouri, 29-30 June 2001.
• TALK: “Intelligent Design as a Theory of Technological Evolution.” Interpreting Evolution, AAAS conference at Haverford College, 14-19 June 2001. Paper available online at
• PARTICIPANT: “Mathematical Modeling and Complexity Seminar,” organized by Michael Veatch at Calvin College, 2-4 June 2001.
• TALKS: “The Probabilistic Detection of Design” and “New Directions in Information Theory: From Shannon Information to Specified Complexity.” Keynote talks at biannual meeting of the Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences, Calvin College, 31 May – 2 June 2001.
• PARTICIPANT: Symposium on Design Reasoning, Calvin College, 22–23 May 2001. Other participants were Stephen Meyer, Paul Nelson, Rob Koons, Del Ratzsch, Robin Collins, Tim & Lydia McGrew. Tim will edited the proceedings for an academic press.
• RADIO DEBATE: with Eugenie Scott, Diane Rehm Show, NPR, 18 April 2001 (in response to James Glanz’s front page story on intelligent design in the New York Times, 8 April 2001).
• SPEAKER: on intelligent design at University of Georgia (21–23 February), University of South Carolina (1–3 April), UCSD (23–26 April), and SMU (11 September), Texas A&M (18 September), Fort Lewis College, Durango, Colorado (16 October).

• BOOK: Science and Evidence for Design in the Universe, Proceedings of the Wethersfield Institute, vol. 9 (coauthored with Michael J. Behe and Stephen C. Meyer). San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2000.
• ARTICLE: “Naturalism and Design.” In Naturalism: A Critical Analysis, edited by William Lane Craig and J. P. Moreland (London: Routledge, 2000).
• ARTICLE: “Conservatives, Darwin & Design: An Exchange” (co-authored with Larry Arnhart and Michael J. Behe). First Things no. 107 (November 2000): 23–31.
• ARTICLE: “The Third Mode of Explanation.” In Science and Evidence for Design in the Universe.
• ARTICLE: “Mechanism, Magic, and Design,” Christian Research Journal 23(2) 2000: available online at
• ARTICLE: “What Can We Reasonably Hope For? — A Millennium Symposium.” First Things no. 99, January 2000: 19–20.
• ARTICLE: “Who’s Got the Magic.” Response to Robert Pennock, published initially at Reprinted without permission in Robert Pennock, ed., Intelligent Design Creationism and Its Critics: Philosophical, Theological, and Scientific Perspectives (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2001), 639–644.
• ARTICLE: “Disbelieving Darwin—And Feeling No Shame!” Published initially at, available at Revised version published as “Shamelessly Doubting Darwin,” American Outlook (November/December 2000): 22–24.
• REVIEW: “Because It Works, That’s Why!” (review of Y. M. Guttmann’s The Concept of Probability in Statistical Physics). Books & Culture, March/April 2000: 42–43.
• ARTICLE: “The Design Argument.” In The History of Science and Religion in the Western Tradition: An Encyclopedia, edited by Gary B. Ferngren (New York: Garland, 2000), 65–67.
• REVIEW: “The Limits of Natural Teleology” (review of Robert Wright’s Nonzero: The Logic of Human Destiny). First Things no. 105 (August/September 2000): 46–51.
• ARTICLE: “Intelligent Design Is Not Optimal Design.” Response to Francisco Ayala, posted initially at Available online at
• TALK: “No Free Lunch: Why Specified Complexity Requires Intelligence.” Science and Evidence for Design in the Universe. Conference at Yale University, 2–4 November 2000.
• PANELIST: “Where Do We Go From Here?” at conference sponsored by ASA, IVCF, and Templeton in Mundelein, Illinois titled Asking the Right Questions: Christian Faith and the Choice of Research Topic in the Natural and Applied Sciences, 13–15 October 2000.
• TALK: “Intelligent Design and the End of Reason,” Houston Christian Worldview Conference, sponsored by Charles W. Colson and the Wilberforce Forum, 23 September 2000.
• TALK: “Detecting Design in the Natural Sciences.” Presented at two conferences: Design and Its Critics (Concordia University, Mequon, Wisconsin, 22–24 June 2000); ‘Intelligent Design’: Science and Theology in Consonance? (University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, 15–16 September 2000).
• CONTRIBUTOR: “Prospects for Post-Darwinian Science,” symposium, New College, Oxford, August 2000. Other contributors included Michael Denton, Peter Saunders, Mae-Wan Ho, David Berlinski, Jonathan Wells, Stephen Meyer, and Simon Conway Morris.
• SEMINAR ORGANIZER: “Design, Self-Organization, and the Integrity of Creation,” Calvin College Seminar in Christian Scholarship, 19 June – 28 July 2000. Follow-up conference 24–26 May 2001 (speakers included Alvin Plantinga, John Haught, and Del Ratzsch).
• LECTURE TOUR: Intelligent design lecture tour of South Korea, sponsored by Manmin Church, including lecture at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies on 17 May (moderator: Kwang-youl Kim; interpreter: Joon-ha Hwang).
• TALK: “Can Evolutionary Algorithms Generate Specified Complexity?” The Nature of Nature. Conference on the role of naturalism in science, Baylor University, 12–15 April 2000.
• CO-ORGANIZER: The Nature of Nature, conference at Baylor University, 12–15 April 2000, organized by WmAD and Bruce Gordon. For details, see:
• TALK: “Intelligent Design: Yesterday’s Orthodoxy, Today’s Heresy,” Evangelical theological Society Southwest Regional Meeting, organized by Douglas Blount at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 7 April 2000.
• TALKS: “Intelligent Design: Bridging Science and Faith.” Staley Lectures, Union University, Tennessee, 28 February – 1 March 2000. [endowed lectures]
• LECTURER: Taught course on intelligent design, Trinity International University, Santa Ana, Calif., spring 2000.

• BOOK: Intelligent Design: The Bridge between Science and Theology. Downer’s Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1999. [Award: Christianity Today’s Book of the Year in the category “Christianity and Culture.” Translated into Spanish, Finnish, Korean, Chinese, and Hungarian.]
• ARTICLE: “Signs of Intelligence: A Primer on the Discernment of Intelligent Design.” Touchstone 12(4), 1999: 76–84.
• ARTICLE: “Are We Spiritual Machines?” First Things no. 96, October 1999: 25–31. Abridged form reprinted in Jay W. Richards, ed., Are We Spiritual Machines? Ray Kurzweil vs. the Critics of Strong A.I. Seattle: Discovery Institute, 2002 (pp. 98–114).
• ARTICLE: “Not Even False? Reassessing the Demise of British Natural Theology.” Philosophia Christi 2nd series, 1(1), 1999: 17–43.
• ARTICLE: “The Last Magic” (review of Mark Steiner’s The Applicability of Mathematics as a Philosophical Problem). Books & Culture, July/August 1999. [Award: Evangelical Press Association, First Place for 1999 in the category “Critical Reviews.”]
• ARTICLE: “Thinkable and Unthinkable” (review of Paul Davies’s The Fifth Miracle). Books & Culture, September/October 1999: 33–35.
• ARTICLE: “The Arrow and the Archer: Reintroducing Design into Science.” Science & Spirit 10(4), 1999(Nov/Dec): 32–34, 42.
• SYMPOSIAST: Templeton sponsored Santa Fe symposium organized by Paul Davies titled Complexity, Information, and Design: A Critical Appraisal, 14–16 October 1999. Presented paper that in 2002 was published in an edited collection by fellow symposiast Niels Gregersen (“Can Evolutionary Algorithms Generate Specified Complexity?”).
• PARTICIPANT: Templeton sponsored conference titled Empathy, Altruism and Agape: Perspectives on Love in Science and Religion at MIT, 1–3 October 1999.
• TALK: “Detecting Design in Nature,” symposium at NYU sponsored by the Homeland Foundation, fall 1999.
• DEBATE: “The Third Mode of Explanation: Distinguishing Design from Chance and Necessity.” Roundtable discussion with Archbishop Joseph Zycinski, University of Chicago, 22 April 1999.
• TALK: “The Design Inference.” 140th Anniversary of Darwin’s Origin of Species, Trinity Graduate School, Fullerton, California, 13 March 1999.
• PARTICIPANT: Liberty Fund Colloquium, “Liberty and Responsibility in the Writings of Charles Darwin,” Tucson, Arizona, 28–31 January 1999.
• TALKS: Invited to speak on intelligent design at Texas A&M (25-26 March, Walter Bradley, organizer), Wheaton College (April), MIT (7 April), Tufts (8 April), John Brown University (31 July, Amer. Sci. Aff. meeting), Texas Tech (29 October), GeorgiaTech (5 November), Lycoming College (18 November), Biola University (3 December).

• BOOK: The Design Inference: Eliminating Chance through Small Probabilities. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998. [CUP’s best-selling philosophical monograph.] See also The Design Inference endorsements.
• BOOK: Mere Creation: Science, Faith, and Intelligent Design (proceedings of a conference on design and origins at Biola University, 14–17 November 1996). Downer’s Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1998. See also Mere Creation endorsements.
• ARTICLE: “Randomness.” In Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, edited by Edward Craig. London: Routledge, 1998.
• ARTICLE: “Reinstating Design within Science.” Rhetoric and Public Affairs 1(4), 1998: 503–518. Reprinted in John Angus Campbell and Stephen C. Meyer, eds., Darwinism, Design, and Public Education. East Lansing, Mich.: Michigan State University Press, 2003: 403–417.
• ARTICLE: “Fruitful Interchange or Polite Chitchat? The Dialogue between Theology and Science” (co-authored with Stephen C. Meyer). Zygon 33(3), 1998: 415–430.
• ARTICLE: “Mere Creation.” In Mere Creation: Science, Faith, and Intelligent Design.
• ARTICLE: “Redesigning Science.” In Mere Creation: Science, Faith, and Intelligent Design.
• ARTICLE: “Science and Design.” First Things no. 86, October 1998: 21–27.
• ARTICLE: “Intelligent Design: The New Kid on the Block.” The Banner 133(6), 16 March 1998: 14–16.
• ARTICLE: “The Intelligent Design Movement.” Cosmic Pursuit 1(2), 1998: 22–26.
• ARTICLE: “The Bible by Numbers” (review of Jeffrey Satinover’s Cracking the Bible Code). First Things, August/September 1998 (no. 85): 61–64.
• DEBATE: Discussion about The Design Inference, organized by Robert Koons, with Cory Juhl and Sahotra Sarkar, University of Texas, Austin, October 1998.
• TALK: Lecture on Naturalism to the annual meeting of Salem Communications, Dallas, 30 October 1998.
• TALK: “The Design Inference.” World Congress of Philosophy, Boston, 14 August 1998.
• TALK: “The Act of Creation: Bridging Transcendence and Immanence.” Millstatt Forum, Strasbourg, France, 10 August 1998.
• LECTURER: Faculty in theology and science at the C. S. Lewis International Centennial Celebration, Loose in the Fire. Oxford and Cambridge Universities, 19 July to 1 August 1998.
• TALKS: “Science, Theology, and Intelligent Design.” Staley Lectures, Central College, Iowa, 4–5 March 1998. [endowed lectures]
• LECTURE TOUR: Canadian lecture tour on intelligent design (Simon Fraser University, University of Calgary, and University of Saskatchewan), sponsored by the New Scholars Society, 4–6 February 1998.

1988–1997 (student days in philosophy and theology)
• ARTICLE: “Intelligent Design as a Theory of Information” (revision of 1997 NTSE conference paper). Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith 49(3), 1997: 180–190. Reprinted without permission in Robert Pennock, ed., Intelligent Design Creationism and Its Critics: Philosophical, Theological, and Scientific Perspectives (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2001), 553–573.
• REVIEW: Simpson (not G. G.) and Gould (not Harold or Elliot). An analysis of the Simpsons episode featuring Stephen Jay Gould.
• ARTICLE: “Christology and Human Development.” Foundations 5(1), 1997: 11–18.
• ARTICLE: “Schleiermacher’s Metaphysical Critique of Miracles.” Scottish Journal of Theology 49(4), 1996: 443–465.
• ARTICLE: “Transcendent Causes and Computational Miracles.” In Interpreting God’s Action in the World (Facets of Faith and Science, volume 4), edited by J. M. van der Meer. Lanham: The Pascal Centre for Advanced Studies in Faith and Science/ University Press of America, 1996.
• ARTICLE: “The Problem of Error in Scripture.” Princeton Theological Review 3(1)(double issue), 1996: 22–28.
• ARTICLE: “Teaching Intelligent Design as Religion or Science?” Princeton Theological Review 3(2), 1996: 14–18.
• ARTICLE: “The Paradox of Politicizing the Kingdom.” Princeton Theological Review 3(1)(double issue), 1996: 35–37.
• REVIEW: “Alchemy, NK Boolean Style” (review of Stuart Kauffman’s At Home in the Universe). Origins & Design 17(2), 1996: 30–32.
• “ARTICLE: What Every Theologian Should Know about Creation, Evolution, and Design.” Princeton Theological Review 2(3), 1995: 15–21.
• ARTICLE: “The Fallacy of Contextualism.” Themelios 20(3), 1995: 8–11.
• ARTICLE: “The God of the Gaps.” Princeton Theological Review 2(2), 1995: 13–16.
• ARTICLE: “The Incompleteness of Scientific Naturalism.” In Darwinism: Science or Philosophy? edited by Jon Buell and Virginia Hearn (Proceedings of the Darwinism Symposium held at Southern Methodist University, 26–28 March 1992), pp. 79–94. Dallas: Foundation for Thought and Ethics, 1994.
• ARTICLE (by the late Leslie Zeigler): “Christianity or Feminism.” Presented in 1994 at the Princeton Apologetics Seminar. Zeigler, a phi beta kappa graduate of UC Berkeley, passed away in 2003.
• ARTICLE: “On the Very Possibility of Intelligent Design.” In The Creation Hypothesis, edited by J. P. Moreland, pp. 113–138. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 1994.
• TECHNICAL: “Randomness by Design.” Nous 25(1), 1991: 75–106.
• ARTICLE: “Reviving the Argument from Design: Detecting Design through Small Probabilities.” Proceedings of the 8th Biannual Conference of the Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences (at Wheaton College), 29 May – 1 June 1991: 101–145.
• TECHNICAL: “Uniform Probability.” Journal of Theoretical Probability 3(4), 1990: 611–626.
• TECHNICAL: “Reverse Diffusion-Limited Aggregation.” Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 37(3&4), 1990: 231–234.
• ARTICLE: “Scientopoly: The Game of Scientism.” Epiphany Journal 10(1&2), 1990: 110–120.
• ARTICLE: “Converting Matter into Mind: Alchemy and the Philosopher’s Stone in Cognitive Science.” Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith 42(4), 1990: 202–226. Abridged version in Epiphany Journal 11(4), 1991: 50–76. My response to subsequent critical comment: “Conflating Matter and Mind” in Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith 43(2), 1991: 107–111.
• ARTICLE: “Inconvenient Facts: Miracles and the Skeptical Inquirer.” Philosophia Christi (formerly Bulletin of the Evangelical Philosophical Society) 13, 1990: 18–45.
• TALK: “Intelligent Design as a Theory of Information.” Naturalism, Theism, and the Scientific Enterprise. Conference organized by Robert Koons on the scientific status of intelligent design at the University of Texas at Austin, 20 – 23 February 1997.
• TALK: “Redesigning Science.” Presentation at Mere Creation conference.
• ORGANIZER (with Richard McGee and Paul Nelson): Mere Creation conference on design and origins at Biola University, 14 – 17 November 1996.
• PANEL: PBS’s Inside the Law with Jack Ford, program devoted to design and evolution, featuring William Dembski, Wendell Byrd, Charles Haynes, and Kevin Padian, taped 13 November 1996.
• STUDENT ACTIVISM: Organized the Charles Hodge Society and the Princeton Apologetics Seminar at Princeton Theological Seminary (Unapologetic Apologetics emerged out of that seminar).
• LECTURER: Faculty in theology and science at the C. S. Lewis Summer Institute, Cosmos and Creation. Cambridge University, Queen’s College, 10–23 July 1994.
• STUDENT ACTIVISM: Revived, with Richard Gardiner, the Princeton Theological Review at Princeton Theological Seminary. This journal is still in production:
• TALK: “Theoretical Basis for the Design Inference.” The 48th Annual Meeting of the American Scientific Affiliation, Seattle Pacific University, 9 August 1993.
• PARTICIPANT: The Status of Darwinian Theory and Origin of Life Studies, Pajaro Dunes, California, 22–24 June 1993.
• TALK: “Transcendent Causes and Computational Miracles.” International Conference on Science and Belief, Pascal Centre, Ancaster, Ontario, Canada, 11–15 August 1992..
• RESEARCH: Summer research on design, Tyndale House, Cambridge University, sponsored by Pascal Centre (Ancaster, Ontario, Canada), 1 July to 4 August 1992
• TALK: “The Incompleteness of Scientific Naturalism.” Symposium on Darwinism held at Southern Methodist University, 26–28 March 1992.
• TALK: “Reviving the Argument from Design: Detecting Design through Small Probabilities.” The 8th Biannual Conference of the Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences, Wheaton College, 30 May 1991 and also The 46th Annual Meeting of the American Scientific Affiliation, Wheaton College, 29 July 1991. (Abbreviated version of talk presented at ASA meeting)
• PARTICIPANT: International Institute of Human Rights in Strasbourg France, 28 June to 27 July 1990.
• TALK: “Truth in an Age of Uncertainty and Relativism.” Dom. Luke Child’s Lecture, Portsmouth Abbey School, 30 September 1988.