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Bill Dembski

DNA & Beyond, Free DNA Models

An Australian colleague asked me to make this announcement on my blog: Thanks to DNA & Beyond, with support by generous Australian donors, FREE DNA Models are currently available to interested Australians to assist with ‘conversation’ about Christian faith and…

Pivoting to Substack

Hi Everyone, I’ve decided to give Substack a try. I’ve been a blogger since 2005. My preference is for long-form content. But as I’ve discovered here, especially with some of the reprinting of my work at Evolution News, long-form content…

Specified Complexity Made Simple

Historical Backdrop Specified complexity is the legitimate offspring of the mathematical theory of information. You wouldn’t know that, however, from reading what’s said about it on the internet. Take the opening sentence of the Wikipedia article on specified complexity: “Specified…

Google Overreach

Below is a long Twitter/X post about Google repackaging blogger Nate Hake’s content and thereby making it unnecessary to visit his blog, thus undercutting his business. The person who writes the commentary below, Sean Kaye, makes a good start. But…

Conversations with ChatGPT

Off the cuff, I’ll sometimes ask ChatGPT questions that come to mind. There need be no rhyme or reason to the questions I pose. But sometimes ChatGPT provides responses that I find interesting and worth sharing. I’ll keep adding to…